Snakes Harmful and Harmless®

Further information for projects, etc.

King Skink (Egernia kingii) - male & female from Stoneville and spotted individual from Toradup (Esperance Sandplain), Western Australia.

Education Assistance

SNAKES Harmful & Harmless® - specialising in reptile education

Good Day!

For printable information click on relevant topic. Over time I will be adding to the list available until a comprehensive coverage of project information is here for both students and teachers.

Contents to date

Australian Crocodiles

Lizards & Snakes

Snakes and Snakebite

Seasons and Snakes

Snakes and People

Snakes and Pets

How to Keep a Snake

Turtles & Tortoises

The New Zealand Tuatara

Snakebite First-aid

The Purpose of Predators

The World's Heaviest Living Snake

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